Elegant men's briefcase, composed of 2 parts. This ornament is attached with two hooks to an outer garment or vest. Made of six rows of fine chain, the ends of which end with decorative ornaments. The average one, connecting ornament depicts an eagle. The third , a shorter part ends with filigree bells.
Male cystek small
Product Code: 50001-1
98,00 лв.
Grammage: 200 grams
Size in cm: 5 x 90
The koustek was a symbol of wealth and was worn mostly by men. Several plaited silver chains are connected at both ends with decorative ornaments and are attached to the front of the frock coat (a long man's garment) Later with the advent of the fashion for wearing a watch, men put it in the front of their pouch or hung it on a hook at one end..
The jewelry is made of bronze alloy, which does not contain nickel and is safe for your skin.
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